A Jazz Move a day keeps the doctor away
Bitte abonniert unseren Swing and the City YouTube Channel. Dort gibt es neben den Jazz Moves noch viele andere tolle Videos zu entdecken.
Falls Euch das nicht gelingt, könnt Ihr die Links auch hier direkt anklicken:
1. Apple Jacks mit Musik
2. Bees Knees
3. Black Bottom
4. Boogie Back
5. Boogie Drops
8. Boogie Step
9. Box Step
10. more Box Steps
14. Break (Quarter)
15. Break-a-Leg not!!
16. Happy belated Easter: Bunny Hop
18. Bumps
19. Cake Walk
20. Camel Walk
21. Crab Walk
29. Jump Charleston
30. Charleston Squat
31. Cabbi Calls
32. Breeze the Knees
33. Cow Tail
34. Crazy Legs
36. Cross Over
38. Drunken Sailor
39. Eagle Slide
40. Fall of the Log / Fun
41. mit Turn
42. Fishtails / Softtails
43. Frogjump
45. Gaze a far
46. Grapevine
47. Grind
48. Happy Feet / Tic Tocs / andere Perspective
49. Hallelujahs (aka Shout Step)
50. Hitchhikes
51. Heels Dig/Russian wing / Heels, Heel-Toe
52. Itch & Scratch
53. Jig Walk
54. Knee Slap
55. Log Step (from a turn) front and back
56. Low Down (with sweep steps)
57. Mess Around
58. Mooch aka Four Corners
59. Opposites aka Push and Pull??
60. Paddle Turns
61. Pecks
62. Picking Apples (siehe Rocks!)
63. Pimp Walk
64. Popey Kicks
65. Pushes
66. Ride the Pony
67. Rocks / siehe Picking Apples…
68. Rock and go
69. Rusty Dusty
70. Sailor Kicks
71. Sailor Steps?
72. Savoy Kicks
73. Scare Crow
74. Scissor Kicks
75. Shimmies (Brust/Po/Ganzkörper)
76. Shim Sham
77. Shishke-boom-ba / Siskaboom bah – Sweep the Sky?
78. Shoe Shine
79. Shout Step (siehe Hallelujahs) from the Big Apple
80. Shorty George
81. Skate
82. Skip up
83. Slip Slops
84. Snake hips / walk
85. Spank the Baby
86. Stomps
87. Stomp off
88. Struttin‘ (with Turn)
89. Suzie Q
90. Tabbie the Cat aka Scrunch
91. Tackie Annie
92. Tick Tocks aka Happy Feet
93. Toe Heel…?
94. Tripple Steps Side / Forward Backward
95. Tripple Steps front to front / front to side / side to front
96. Turn
97. Truckin‘
98. Twists
99. Turkey Trot
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